Kentucky Hot Brown


Kentucky is known for: Bourbon, Horse Racing, Derby Pie, Kentucky Fried Chicken, producing some of the Hollywood's biggest A-list celebrities, Mammoth Cave, two of the worlds best college basketball teams, The Mint Julip, Countless national rock, metal, country, bluegrass bands and musicians and the worlds best comfort food: The Kentucky Hot Brown.

*** Analog Pedals - Kentucky Hot Brown is delectibly rich and satisfying distortion. It is guaranteed to give you that infamous "Warm Brown Sound". Every Hot Brown circuit will be hand made right here in Kentucky ***

What our customers say...

I ordered the Kentucky Hot Brown overdrive after reading the review in ToneQuest Report, and I certainly was not disappointed! This is one of the juiciest overdrives I have ever played, and it certainly nails the iconic 'Brown Sound'. The Contour control interacting with the Tone And Gain controls gives you so much scope in the way of tone sculpting! An amazing pedal that went straight on my live board. Highly recommended!

Rated by David
Greg Martin's Cedar Flat Lightning v2
Greg Martin's Cedar Flat Lightning v2

This pedal is the most subtle, musical, and useful box I've ...
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